19 August 2014

A Dreamy Maintenance Bay

Some people are freaking great artists.

Just look at this awesome masterpiece!

The Maintenance Bay at the Eve of Battle 

I love the attention to detail! I have not seen such a lifelike(?) detailed impression of the core fighter. Not to mention those teeny-weeny tiny people! And its in such a wonderful perspective... makes me miss drawing perspectives....O_O It is a great delivery of a scene and a very, very cool fanart.

This dreamy representation of the maintenance bay caught my attention among Gundam Guy's numerous posts this week. The post linked it to a Pixiv account owned by wang景天 . It is very impressive, don't you think? And looking at the artist's gallery, I think he really does great art work. 

Things like these makes me wish I have a lot of free time to create something equally awesome.

Have you done something extra-ordinary lately?